Hello! My name is Jaimicchi! I've decided to make a loli-blog, inspired by the other amazing lolita fashion bloggers out there :) This isn't a full intro post, I don't have the layout set up yet!
Why "A Wild Lolita Appears!"? I've been called a snorlax (big, lazy pokemon) a lot in cosplay and lolita fandom. So I cosplayed a snorlax, and decided to own the phrase ^_^
Why lolita fashion? I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAAAAYYYY o.o;
Why 'Jaimicchi'? My real name is Jaime, and a while ago I was into Morning Musume and wanted a cute add-on to my name like a lot of them have adopted! (Like Nacchi, Sayumin, Eririn, Mariko, Kagochan, ectect).
Any other questions I can answer? Leave me a comment! Wish me luck on my first real post and getting my layout set up!